Title: Facing Reality

It has been interesting really seeing what stares back at me from the
mirror.  In making this piece I have faced all the sags, bags, and
wrinkles that I've never truly acknowledged.

On good days I actually embrace my age and enjoy the wisdom and other
benefits of life's experiences.  I am enjoying a greater ease in
managing relationships, an emerging role as elder and mentor when
teaching, and a growing ability to take myself and life less seriously. 
Of course there are less pleasant days, and sometimes weeks, when the
effects of time are painful.  I tend to look on the bright side, so I
work to find my way back to joy, appreciation, and gratitude.

Title: Free

I escape my own weight and limitations in my daily swims. I feel almost as if I’m flying. Consciousness of time fades away. My mind becomes as free as my body, drifting, sometimes completely empty, sometimes 100% in my physical being. And the best ideas come to me effortlessly while I’m swimming: ideas about my artwork, ideas about teaching, ideas about relationships….